Speaking Events

Bringing life-giving energy and a unique perspective
that will leave you with hope, peace, purpose and a smile.


Speaking Events for Women

When was the last time you had a moment to reflect and dig deep into your relationship with God and along the way you laughed so hard your face hurt?! 

Karen brings to each of her events a biblical knowledge, a life-giving energy and a unique perspective that will leave you with hope, peace, purpose and a smile. 

Though her smile and positive attitude are nearly palpable, her life hasn’t been without struggles, doubts and heart-wrenching circumstances. Her passion to help teenagers and women find themselves through God’s eyes is the driving force behind This Is The Day Ministry.

Women's Events

Next Event Coming Soon

In the meantime...

Check out Signature Saturdays on my Coaching page.



Building a Better You

This highly interactive workshop gives you a new way to look at yourself and how you choose to think about your life. Building A Better You challenges you to realize you are not just a part of your own world, but you play a key role in the lives of those around you as well. Everyone will walk away from this workshop knowing that God has a HUGE plan for each of them.  The question will be, are THEY going to choose to join the journey or not?

Here I Am

What does a lion, an otter, a golden retriever, and a beaver have to do with being created in the image of God? Find out what it means to be "created in the image and likeness of God" and how God uses all different personality types to accomplish His plan. Here I Am is designed to show you how to see yourself through God's eyes. You will come away from this workshop with a better understanding of why you act the way you do and how to get along with those around you who don't have the same personality type as yourself.

The Power of Thoughts

Do you know that you have control over your thoughts? As simple as this statement sounds there is an important aspect to understand. Satan knows that if he can get a hold of our thoughts and make us believe his lies, and then he has gained a stronghold over us. That is why it is so important for us to understand that we have control of our thoughts. This workshop helps us focus on the “renewing of our mind, built upon this principle from Romans 12:2: “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

The Power of Belief

If we are all predestined for greatness, why are we all not great? You will always manifest your belief system into reality and you won't tolerate anything that doesn't match your beliefs. So what if your beliefs are working against you?  This powerful workshop takes you through your self-made environments and helps you find your limiting and empowering beliefs.

Event Information

If you would like me to speak at your event, fill out the form and I will get in touch with you.

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