Fear and Pivots

Let’s talk about fear today.

Now, I will be the first to tell you and then anyone who knows me will chime in on the fact that I hate to be scared. Perhaps you are one who has been on the receiving end of my ridiculous reaction to being scared.

That is not the kind of fear I am thinking about.

The fear that I am thinking of is more of a slow churning, one that builds momentum to the point of being mentally or physically freaked out.

The kind of fear that keeps you awake at night and then exhausted during the day.

Do you know the kind of fear I am thinking of?

A lot of times, we fear the unknown. We are creatures of habit and admit it or not, we like routines. So when life throws a curve ball or we decide to make a change, it throws us out of our comfort zone and into the unknown.

These past few months have given most of us the opportunity to evaluate our chosen paths and decide if there is a different one we want to go down instead. It has allowed us to make a pivot.

Here is the thing about a pivot. It is a move that is designed to change directions. You can stand there and pivot all you want, but until you move forward in a new direction, the pivot was ineffective AND the longer you stay in the one position, just pivoting in circles, the more time fear has to overtake you.

(Coming from a former point guard, getting stuck in a pivot circle was the worst!)

Did you know that the phrase “Fear Not” is said 365 times in the Bible? Evidently God knows we are going to be afraid.

My go to verse that helps me when I am heading into the unknown is Isaiah 41:13

“For I am the Lord your God

    who takes hold of your right hand

and says to you, Do not fear;

    I will help you.”

At first, that verse annoyed me because taking hold of my right hand meant taking hold of my control, my dominate hand. Then I realized that that was the whole point – letting God lead me instead of me standing there pivoting in circles!

Fear is real, but we don’t have to stay stuck in it.

My challenge to you today is that you hold out your hand (right or left depending on which is your dominant hand) and allow God to guide you through your wall of fear.

What I have found is that on the other side of that wall, is a life of peace and purpose!

<>< KC

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