Today’s BLOG is about running our own race.
We all had a race that we had been running, some of us had just started running and others of us have been running it for years.
And then…
2020 happened – Corona happened – the Shelter In Place happened – and we fell off the track we were running on.
We were left on the sidelines wondering what the heck just happened and how do we keep going on with life?!
Those of us who are business owners were trying to figure out how we keep going. We still have budgets and goals and this race is our purpose for our lives and now we don’t know what to do.
The other day I was talking with my sister, Laurie, and our conversation was about all of this. We know we are supposed to be running our race but it has gotten so crazy that we can’t even find the track we are suppose to be running on anymore!
This whole running your race thing comes from Hebrews 12:1b – “And I will run with perseverance the race marked out for me.” – but if you can’t find the track to run your race on, you just kind of feel hopeless and like you are floundering around. This was a struggle spot for the both of us.
I went back to look at the verse again, I read the next verse – “fixing my eyes on Jesus.”
That’s it! That is how we find our track!
What we had been doing, and perhaps you have been too, was looking at the world around us, the world, the world, the world and I can’t find my track. I can’t figure out what I am supposed to be doing.
And now the frustration and depression start setting in and everything feels like it is falling apart. By this time, we are so exhausted from it all that we can’t even get up to run our race.
But what we both came to realize was that when we each started to look up to God and say “Hey, so you know this race I am supposed to be running? It all looks different and I can’t find my track. I need help!”
My friend, I am here to tell you, that alone made all the difference in the world.
That is how my sister stood back up and found her race again. She is an incredible, top Sales Director with Mary Kay Cosmetics who is out there changing women’s lives. In the MK world, June is their month end and so it was so cool to see God work through her and help her finish strong. She earned the Top Sales Director’s trip to Scotland!!! Who know if they will get to actually go, but she learned so much in the running.
This is also where my Let’s Go WILD series came from. God showed me my track to run on and I am so excited about it! I am going to have the 5 women who sign up be my Relay Team and we can race together!!!
I announced yesterday that registration has opened for the Let’s Go WILD 12 week series. If you go to the HOME tab and sign up for the FREE inspirational audio message you will get into the drawing for a FREE Let’s Go WILD Series!!!!!
This is a $900 give away!!
If you know you want to be one of the 5 who take this WILD journey regardless if you win the drawing or not, go to the Coaching tab, scroll down to the Let’s Go WILD Coaching Series and click on the Book a Consultation button and fill out the form.
NO money will be collected until Wednesday of next week in case you are the winner of the drawing!
The winner will be announced on Monday – will it be YOU??!!!
<>< KC
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